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The latest Activity morning took place on Saturday morning April 8th. Although the turn out was smaller than usual, the small team carried out an amazing amount of work by clearing ditches which we did not want to be done by the Council using machinery away from the tarmac path, which would have damaged parts of the wood. We have managed to complete our winter/spring programme of work as set out in the new five year plan and will now wait until the end of the growing season before starting work again the autumn. Dates for future planned activity mornings will be advised but the next morning will be in September.


For anyone who has not been in the wood in the last couple of weeks, do take a walk to view the profusion of wild flowers including wood anemones, solomon’s seal. yellow archangel and the beginnings of a wide range/colour of bluebells.


An early morning bird walk to hear the dawn chorus took place on April 11th but more walks are planned in the coming months. We have arranged for David Bevan to lead a floral walk on Saturday May 6th. Please contact Bruce Mackay on to reserve a place on the walk. Then further walks are planned for later in the year on trees, fungi plus a bat evening.


We will be holding further evening meetings to which an expert speaker will be invited on Tuesday 12th September evening, 21st november then again in January and April 2018. The format will be to discuss any outstanding business for the Friends of Big Wood followed by a talk and ending up with time for a general chat over a glass of wine.

Remember that all details are here on our web site so do signpost your local friends and neighbours to visit the site and encourage them join the Association and to be Friends Of Big Wood.


A great article was written by Peter Falk on the formation of Friends of Bigwood and published in the Suburb News

View article - Suburb News


Friends of Big Wood Nature Reserve

Newsletter - April 2017

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